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Drought-induced shifts in daily CO2 uptake patterns for leafy cacti
Authors:Park S. Nobel  Terry L. Hartsock
Affiliation:P. S. Nobel and T. L. Hartsock, Dept of Biology and Lab. of Biomedical and Environmental Sciences, Univ. of California, Los Angeles, CA 90024, USA
Abstract:For cacti with persistent, relatively large leaves, most shoot CO2 uptake under well-watered conditions occurs by the leaves using the C3 pathway. For three species in the primitive subfamily Pereskioideae, droughts of 7 or 14 days decreased leaf daytime net CO2 uptake by an average of 49 and 88%, respectively; these species always had a net CO2 release at night by the leaves and both at night and during the day by the stems. For three leafy species in subfamily Opuntioideae, 7 and 14 days of drought reduced leaf daytime net CO2 uptake by 90 and 100%, respectively. Although drought reduced the total CO2 uptake over 24 h, the average percentage occurring at night by the leaves of these species increased from 5% under wet conditions to 71% after 7 days of drought to 99% after 14 days of drought. For two of the three species of Opuntioideae, 7 days of drought caused the small net CO2 uptake by the sterns to shift from the daytime to the nighttime, while for the third species drought caused a reduction of its stem nocturnal net CO2 uptake. Thus, shifts from predominantly daytime to predominantly nighttime net CO2 uptake can be induced by drought for the leaves and the stems of leafy cacti in subfamily Opuntioideae, indicating a high degree of biochemical versatility.
Keywords:Austrocylindropuntia    Crassulacean acid metabolism    Maihuenia    Pereskia    Pereskiopsis    Quiabentia    water potential
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