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Water in the Avian Egg Overall Budget of Incubation
Affiliation:Department of Zoology George S Wise Faculty of Life Sciences Tel Aviv University Tel Aviv, Israel
Department of Physiology School of Medicine and Dentistry State University of New York at Buffalo Buffalo, New York 14214
Abstract:The loss of mass in eggs during incubation was examined andevidence is presented to show that this is essentially due toloss of water. The mean fraction of water lost by diffusionthroughout incubation is 0.150 ± 0.025 S D per gram ofegg and 0.162 ± 0.026 S D per gram of egg content for81 species. The water fraction of fresh eggs and of hatchingeggs was examined in 32 species divided according to maturityat hatching, and found to be very similar within each category(83% in altricial 83% in semi-altricial 78% in semi-precocial72% in precocial eggs). The 11% difference between the altricialand precocial categories is statistically significant. Duringincubation, dry matter is metabolized increasing the water fractionwhich is further increased by metabolic water production. Hence,water loss during incubation is mandatory if the relative watercontent of an egg at the end of incubation is to remain essentiallythe same as at the beginning. Equations are developed whichallow one to estimate the difference between diffusive waterloss and the total water loss in altricial and piecocial eggscaused by additional water loss during pipping and hatching.
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