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Ontogenetic vertical distribution and diel migration of the copepod Eucalanus inermis in the oxygen minimum zone off northern Chile (20-21{degrees} S)
Authors:Hidalgo, Pamela   Escribano, Ruben   Morales, Carmen E.
Affiliation:1 Programa de Postgrado en Oceanografia, Universidad de Concepcion, Concepción, Chile and 2 Center for Oceanographic Research in the Eastern South Pacific (FONDAP-COPAS), Estación de Biología Marina-Dichato, Departamento de Oceanografía, Universidad de Concepción, Concepción, Chile
Abstract:The vertical and ontogenetic distribution, and diel verticalmigration (DVM), of Eucalanus inermis in relation to the strongvertical gradient in oxygen concentration associated with anintense oxygen minimum zone (OMZ) were studied at a coastalarea off northern Chile (20–21° S). A close relationshipbetween the abundance of the whole copepod population and lowoxygen waters was found, with most developmental stages remainingnear the base of the oxycline (30–80 m) and within theupper zone of the OMZ (30–200 m). All stages performedDVM but not at all the stations, mainly between the 30–60and 60–200 m strata; a small fraction (<20%) appearedin the surface layer (0–30 m) mostly at night. This strategyof movement would result in a better utilization of food resourcessince the strong physical and chemical gradients at the baseof the oxycline and upper OMZ boundary might serve as a siteof particle accumulation. A secondary fluorescence peak was,in fact, found at all the stations, coinciding with minimaldissolved oxygen (DO, <1 mL O2 L–1) at the base ofthe oxycline or in the upper OMZ boundary. The relevance ofthe biogeochemical flux involved in this diel migration patternwas assessed by calculating the potential active input of carbonand nitrogen from the upper layers into deeper the OMZ.
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