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Growth dynamics of Zostera in Sevastopol Bay (Crimea,Black Sea)
Authors:Ronald C. Phillips  Nataliya A. Milchakova  Vladimir V. Alexandrov
Affiliation:Institute of Biology of the South Seas (IBSS), 2 Nakhimov Avenue, Sevastopol 99011, Ukraine
Abstract:Density, biomass and primary productivity of eelgrass (Zostera marina L.) and density and biomass of Zostera noltii Hornem. were studied at three locations in Sevastopol Bay, Crimean Peninsula, Ukraine, in April 2002, late September 2002, and late January 2003 at 3 m and 5 m depths. All three growth parameters varied by station, depth, and month. The aboveground biomass (AGB) was greater in September than in April or January at 3 m. It was greater at 5 m than at 3 m in April at one station. For Z. noltii, results were more variable as to month. For belowground biomass (BGB), month and station relationships were not clear cut. It was generally true that total biomass was greatest in September. Significant differences in density, AGB and total biomass were observed for station and month in eelgrass, while in BGB, these differences were significant for depth and for month. Primary production in eelgrass was greatest at both depths in April as compared to September or January. Reproductive shoots were found only during April. Overall, seedlings were found in all collection periods and depths, but were most abundant at the three stations in April.
Keywords:Seagrass   Zostera marina   Zostera noltii   Density   Biomass   Primary production   Reproductive shoot   Seedling
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