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Sympathetic outflow to the skeletal muscle in humans increases during prolonged light exercise
Authors:Saito, Mitsuru   Sone, Ryoko   Ikeda, Masao   Mano, Tadaaki
Abstract:Saito, Mitsuru, Ryoko Sone, Masao Ikeda, and Tadaaki Mano.Sympathetic outflow to the skeletal muscle in humans increases during prolonged light exercise. J. Appl.Physiol. 82(4): 1237 - 1243, 1997.---Toinvestigate the effects of exercise duration on muscle sympatheticnerve activity (MSNA), heart rate, blood pressure (BP), tympanictemperature, blood lactate concentration, and thigh electromyogram weremeasured in eight volunteers during 30 min of cycling in the sittingposition at an intensity of 40% of maximal oxygen uptake. MSNA burstfrequency increased 18 min after exercise was begun (25 ± 4 bursts/min at baseline and 36 ± 5 bursts/min at 21 min ofexercise), reaching 41 ± 5 bursts/min at the end ofexercise. Heart rate and systolic BP increased during exercise. Twenty minutes after commencement of exercise, however, bothsystolic and diastolic BP values tended to drop compared with theinitial period of exercise. Tympanic temperature increased in atime-dependent manner, and the increment was significant 12 min afterexercise was begun. Blood lactate concentration and integratedelectromyogram showed no significant changes during exercise. Theincreased MSNA during prolonged light-intensity exercise may be asecondary effect of the drop in BP as a result of blood redistributioncaused by thermoregulation rather than by metaboreflex.

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