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Isolation and Characterization of Hardening-Induced Proteins in Chlorella vulgaris C-27: Identification of Late Embryogenesis Abundant Proteins
Authors:Honjoh, Ken-ichi   Yoshimoto, Makoto   Joh, Toshio   Kajiwara, Taishin   Miyamoto, Takahisa   Hatano, Shoji
Affiliation:Department of Food Science and Technology, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyushu University Fukuoka, 812-81 Japan
Abstract:Hardening-induced soluble proteins of Chlorella vulgaris BeijerinkIAM C-27 (formerly Chlorella ellipsoidea Gerneck IAM C-27) wereisolated and purified by two-dimensional high-performance liquidchromatography (2D-HPLC) on an anion-exchange column, with subsequentreversed-phase chromatography. Some of the proteins were resolvedby SDS-PAGE, characterized by amino-terminal sequencing andidentified by searching for homologies in databases. Separationof the soluble proteins during the hardening of Chlorella bya combination of 2D-HPLC and SDS-PAGE revealed that at least31 proteins were induced or increased in abundance. Of particularinterest was the induction after 12 h of a 10-kDa protein withthe amino-terminal amino acid sequence AGNKPITEQISDAVGAAGQKVGand the induction after 6 h of a 14-kDa protein with the amino-terminalsequence ALGEESLGDKAKNAFEDAKDAVKDAAGNVKEAV. The amino-terminalsequences of these proteins indicated that they were homologousto late embryogenesis abundant (LEA) proteins. Furthermore,the level of a 22-kDa protein also increased after 12 h. Theamino-terminal sequence of this protein, AAPLVGGPAPDFTAAAVFD,indicated that it was homologous to thioredoxin peroxidase. (Received June 9, 1995; Accepted September 12, 1995)
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