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Preliminary X-ray crystallographic data on phospholipase C from Bacillus cereus.
Authors:E Hough  C Little  K Jynge
Affiliation:Department of Rheumatology, University of Manchester Stopford Building, Manchester M13 9PT. England;Department of Medical Biophysics, University of Manchester Stopford Building, Manchester M 13 9PT. England;Department of Biology, King Alfred''s College Winchester S02 2N R. England;Atlas Computing Division Rutherford Laboratory Chilton, Oxon 0X11 OQY, England;Department of Rheumatology, University of Manchester Stopford Building, Manchester M 13 9PT. England
Abstract:Low-angle X-ray diffraction shows that, despite the well-defined regular axially projected structure, there is no long-range lateral order in the packing of molecules in native (undried) or dried elastoidin spicules from the fin rays of the spurhound Squalus acanthias. The equatorial intensity distribution of the X-ray diffraction pattern from native elastoidin indicates a molecular diameter of 1.1 nm and a packing fraction for the structure projected on to a plane perpendicular to the spicule (fibril) axis of 0.31 (the value for tendon is much higher at around 0.6). Density measurements support this interpretation. When the spicule dries the packing fraction increases to 0.43 but there is still no long-range order in the structure. The X-ray diffraction patterns provide no convincing evidence for any microfibrils or subfibrils in elastoidin. Gel electrophoresis shows that the three chains in the elastoidin molecule are identical. The low packing fraction for collagen molecules in elastoidin explains the difference in appearance between electron micrographs of negatively stained elastoidin and tendon collagen. In elastoidin, but not in tendon collagen, an appreciable proportion of the stain is able to penetrate between the collagen molecules.
Keywords:Author to whom correspondence should be addressed.
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