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引用本文:于汇历,袁宝印,黄慰文. 哈尔滨阎家岗遗址的地质背景[J]. 人类学学报, 2010, 29(4): 445-453
作者姓名:于汇历  袁宝印  黄慰文
摘    要:通过对阎家岗遗址地区野外调查和遗址发掘资料整理,初步探讨阎家岗遗址地质背景, 获得如下认识: 阎家岗遗址早期人类生活于末次盛冰期来临前的暖期, 相当于深海沉积MIS3后期并开始向MIS2转变, 气候由温湿转向干冷, 植被以温带疏林草原为主, 适于成群的食草类动物在此生活。阎家岗遗址地处松花江曲流带, 多沙洲、河汊、河曲, 人类在沙洲或河曲凸岸构筑狩猎用的设施, 舍弃后被洪水带来的细沙掩埋, 成为今天所见的动物骨骼围圈遗迹。动物骨骼围圈的堆积体与掩埋它的细砂层为不整合关系, 骨骼多层叠置, 有的直立, 骨骼之间大多并不相互接触, 说明它们不是流水作用产物, 而是人工堆砌的狩猎设施。

关 键 词:阎家岗遗址  动物骨骼围圈  地质背景,

Re-examination of the Yanjiagang Paleolithic Campsite, Northeastern China
YU Hui-li,YUAN Bao-yin,HUANG Wei-wen. Re-examination of the Yanjiagang Paleolithic Campsite, Northeastern China[J]. Acta Anthropologica Sinica, 2010, 29(4): 445-453
Authors:YU Hui-li  YUAN Bao-yin  HUANG Wei-wen
Abstract:The Yanjiagang Paleolithic site near Harbin,the capital city of Heilongjiang Province is located on the broad fluvial plain of Songhuajiang, a main river in northeastern China. Excavation during the 1980s defined it as a campsite of Upper Paleolithic hunters, which consists of two semi-circle structures made of bone fragments from animals such as bison, woolly rhinoceros, mammoth, deer, horse, and gazelle. Some researchers, however, have argued that the circles are not artifacts but a result of natural river movement.
A re-examination of the site by the authors reports that Yanjiagang is indeed a campsite of ancient hunters. The artificial nature of the animal bone circle structures does not have any support from the re-examination. The present report corrects the radioactive dating of the site as 14 C cal BP 26957 ± 626, which can be compared with late MIS 3 and is older than the previously published result of 22370 ± 300 BP.
Keywords:Yanjiagang   Semi-circle structures   Geology,
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