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The Effect of Heat Stress on Wheat Leaf and Ear Photosynthesis
Authors:BLUM   A.
Abstract:The effect of heat-hardening on carbon exchange rate per unitarea (CER) of flag leaves, whole ears, and ears with the awnsremoved, was measured in hexaploid (Triticum aestivum L.) andtetraploid (T. turgidum L. and T. dicoccoides) wheat varieties.The CER for awns was calculated by the difference. For the non-hardened hexaploid cv. ‘H-895’ the CERfor the leaves and glumes had an optimum temperature of 25°C.By contrast, the CER for the awns increased from 25°C to32°C, indicating an optimum at 32°C or more. Heat-hardeningdecreased the CER of leaves and glumes at the optimum temperature,but increased the CER especially in leaves at supra-optimaltemperatures. Thus, leaf CER in hardened plants became essentiallyindependent of temperatures between 25°C and 32°C. AwnCER was little affected by heat-hardening. For all 12 varieties, leaf and ear CER was smaller in hardenedplants at 30°C than in non-hardened plants at 22°C.Leaf and ear CER measured at 30°C differed significantlybetween varieties within a species. Whole ear CER at 30°Cwas negative in most varieties although the calculated valuefor the awns was positive. Thus, the high temperature optimumfor CER of the awns was a major factor in the variation amongwheat varieties in tolerance of ear CER to heat. The biochemicalattributes of the photosynthetic mechanism in awns responsiblefor the high temperature optimum were already present in wildtetraploid wheat. There was a positive correlation across allvarieties between ear CER at 30°C and the percentage ofawns in total ear area (r = 0930, P = 0 This together with previousresults (Blum, 1985a), suggests that a large amount of awnsin the ear is a sensible selection index in wheat for improvedproduction in hot, dry environments. Key words: Carbon exchange rate, photosynthesis, awns, heat, stress, wheat, breeding
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