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Age effects on clutch size and laying dates of individual female Lesser Snow Geese Anser caerulescens
Affiliation:Department of Biology, Queen's University, Kingston, Ontario, K7L 3N6, Canada
Abstract:It is well known in many species of birds that mean clutch size increases and laying date advances with increasing age of the female. This has been interpreted widely as being due to some maturation process in which the performance of individual birds improves as they age. There are two alternative explanations, however. Birds which lay small clutches and lay late may have a higher mortality and be under-represented in the later year samples, or birds with a propensity to lay large and early clutches may enter the breeding population at a later age. In an attempt to discriminate between these alternatives, the reproductive performances of individual Snow Geese were examined over a series of years. Clutch size increased and laying date advanced for these individuals as it did for the population as a whole, thus confirming the maturation hypothesis.
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