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Acaulonopsis,a new moss genus of the Pottiaceae from Western Cape Province of South Africa,and comments on Vrolijkheidia

A new genus, Acaulonopsis (Pottiaceae, Bryophyta), including two new species, A. fynbosensis and A. eureka, is described from the Western Cape Province of South Africa. Together with the similarly much reduced pottiaceous genus Acaulon, Acaulonopsis is unique in the family with a very short seta and spherical capsule, which lacks the apiculus found in other genera. The new genus is also distinguished by short plant stature, and a total of about five ovate leaves that clasp closely the capsules in nearly spherical leaf bases. Continuing bryological study of the fynbos region has recently resulted in a number of startling discoveries of bryophytes new to science and distinct at the genus level. A new combination is made for the South African endemic genus Vrolijkheidia (Pottiaceae) with discussion of its dimorphic habitus.
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