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Delayed meiosis and polar body release in eggs of triploid Pacific oysters, Crassostrea gigas, in relation to tetraploid production
Authors:Eudeline   Allen   Guo
Affiliation:College of William and Mary, Virginia Institute of Marine Science, Aquaculture Genetics and Breeding Technology Center, Gloucester Point, VA, USA
Abstract:The dynamics of polar body release are important for creating polyploid shellfish. For producing triploids, these dynamics concern meiosis in diploid eggs and are well understood. For creating tetraploids, eggs from triploids are employed and the dynamics, variation, and environmental influences upon polar body release are less studied. We investigated the effects of several agents on the timing of 50% first polar body (PB1) release in eggs of triploids. PB1 release is generally slower in triploid eggs than diploid ones at 26 degrees C. Lowering the temperature (from 26 to 19 degrees C) had a marked effect on timing of 50% PB1 in both diploid and triploid eggs. While lower temperature merely slowed development in diploid eggs, it nearly halted it in triploid eggs. At any temperature, the variability in 50% PB1 release was much higher in triploid eggs than diploid ones; this variation occurred both within eggs from individual females and among eggs from different females. The amount of time eggs remain in seawater between the time they are stripped and fertilized (or time of hydration) also affected rate of meiosis. In triploid eggs, the average time necessary for the expulsion of 50% PB1 was 23 min post-fertilization (PF) for 75 min of hydration versus 29 min PF for 35 min. However, increasing the time of hydration had no effect on the variability in the timing among females. Serotonin also had no effect on the dynamics of polar body release in triploids. Variability among triploid females in timing of meiosis cannot be improved with any treatments we tried. Consequently we recommend that treatments of triploid eggs to produce tetraploids incorporate a single female at a time.
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