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Phenotypic selection and function of reproductive behavior in the subsocial bug Elasmucha putoni (Heteroptera: Acanthosomatidae)
Authors:Kudo   Shin-ichi
Affiliation:Laboratory of Applied Zoology, Faculty of Agriculture, Hokkaido University, Sapporo, 060-8589 and Department of Biology, Naruto University of Education, Naruto, Tokushima, 772-8502 Japan
Abstract:To investigate the function of maternal care and determinantsof reproductive success in the subsocial bug Elasmucha putoni(Heteroptera: Acanthosomatidae), I used two different approaches,the measurement of phenotypic selection and female-removalexperiments under conditions differing in biotic-environmentalpressure. For two field populations, unattended eggs and youngernymphs consistently suffered severe predation pressure andattendance by parent females greatly enhanced their survival.In contrast, under enemy-excluded conditions, offspring performancewas not reduced in broods without parent females, indicatingthat maternal care functions as a physical defense againstpredators. However, the determinant of female reproductivesuccess in E. putoni in the field was not the care behavioralone. Selection gradient analysis showed that early seasonoviposition and larger clutch size, as well as a longer durationof care by a female, was favored during the breeding episode.This study is the first to evaluate phenotypic selection onparental care and other reproductive traits in arthropods.
Keywords:Elasmucha   Heteroptera   parental care   phenotypic selection   reproductive success   subsociality.
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