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Developmental and photobiological factors affecting photoperiodic induction in Arabidopsis thaliana Heynh. Landsberg erecta
Authors:Mozley, David   Thomas, Brian
Abstract:We have tested whether the promotion of flowering by long days(LD) in Arabidopsis thaliana is a consequence of photoperiodicinduction. To achieve this, the flowering responses of Arabidopsisthaliana (L.) Heynh. Landsberg erecta (Ler) and the long-hypocotylmutants hy2, hy3 and hy4 were determined with respect to age,daylength and light quality. Ler was capable of distinguishingbetween short days (SD) and long days (LD) from about 4 d aftersowing at 20 C, the time at which cotyledons were expandingand greening. At this stage, the critical daylength was between8 h and 10 h. At 7 d, seedlings required five LD for inductionand, as the seedlings aged, they became more sensitive so thatby day 20, one LD was fully inductive. The response to SD innewly germinated seedlings was to delay flowering without alteringleaf number, but after about 10 d, delay of flowering by SDwas accompanied by extra leaves. In light quality experiments,blue light (B) was inductive for 5-d-old plants and in all subsequenttreatments, far-red (FR) caused induction in treatments at 12d and 18 d and low pressure sodium, equivalent to red, was notinductive at 5 d and 12 d, but partially inductive at day 18.Hence, both a specific blue-light photoreceptor and phytochromeA in High Irradiance Response mode promote floral induction.In daylength transfer experiments all three hy mutants respondedto LD by earlier flowering. Both hy2 and hy3 produced substantiallyfewer leaves than Ler in SD and hy3 flowered slightly earlierthan Ler. The hy4 mutants flowered later than Ler in SD andhad a higher leaf number. A scheme is proposed in which photoperiodicinduction depends on the ability of the plant to sense photoperiod,the stage of development and the photobiological input. We alsopropose that phytochrome A and the blue photoreceptor promoteflowering whereas phytochrome B promotes vegetative development. Key words: Arabidopsis thaliana, blue-absorbing photoreceptor, flowering, photoperiodic induction, phytochrome
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