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Conditional dispersal under kin competition: extension of the Hamilton-May model to brood size-dependent dispersal
Authors:Kisdi Eva
Affiliation:Department of Mathematics, University of Turku, FIN-20014 Turku, Finland. eva.kisdi@utu.fi
Abstract:I consider a site-based model with contest competition among siblings, and assume that dispersal is conditional on the number of offspring in the natal site. Evolutionarily stable populations contain threshold dispersal strategies, which retain a certain number of offspring in the natal site and disperse the rest (if the actual number of offspring is less than the threshold, then all offspring are retained). Due to the discrete nature of the strategy set (the threshold must be integer), the ESS may not be unique or may not exist. In the latter case, two neighboring threshold strategies coexist in the evolutionarily stable population. Dispersal first decreases and then increases as a function of dispersal mortality, such that all but one offspring should be dispersed both when dispersal mortality is very small or very high. Population-level dispersal fractions are often similar to the unconditional ESS, but differ strongly when fecundity is small and dispersal mortality is high.
Keywords:Adaptive dynamics   Conditional strategy   Dispersal   Kin competition   ESS   Plasticity   Threshold strategy
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