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Bacteriochlorophyll a-protein interactions in a complex from Prosthecochloris aestuarii. A Resonance Raman study
Authors:Marc Lutz  Arnold J. Hoff  Lionel Brehamet
Affiliation:1. Service de Biophysique, Département de Biologie, Centre d''Etudes Nucléaires de Saclay, 91191 Gif-sur Yvette Cédex France;2. Department of Biophysics, Huygens Laboratorium of the State University, Leiden The Netherlands
Abstract:Raman spectra of bacteriochlorophyll a (BChl) bound to the soluble protein complex from Prosthecochloris aestuarii have been obtained at low temperature, using the resonance effect on their Qx for Soret electronic bands. These spectra show that the acetyl carbonyls of at least four of the seven molecules bound to the monomer subunit of the complex and the ketone carbonyls of at least five of them are oriented close to the mean plane of the conjugated part of the dihydrophorbin macrocycle. Up to three bacteriochlorophyll molecules may have their ketone carbonyls free from hydrogen-bonding and up to two may have their acetyl carbonyls similarly free. Several of the binding sites of the remaining conjugated carbonyls are probably the same as those binding the conjugated carbonyls of bacteriochlorophyll (and of bacteriopheophytin) in reaction centers and in antenna structures of purple bacteria and as those binding chlorophyll in the antenna of higher plants and algae. The present resonance Raman spectra confirm that the magnesium atoms of most of the seven bacteriochlorophylls are pentacoordinated. They also show that polarisation effects from their local environments induce changes in the groundstate structures of the dihydrophorbin skeletons of the complexed molecules with respect to those of isolated, monomeric bacteriochlorophyll. These changes are quasi-identical for the seven molecules. These environmental effects predominate over any structural change brought about by intermolecular bonding of the conjugated carbonyls or of the magnesium atoms. The dihydrophorbin rings of the seven molecules thus appear to be immersed in a nearly homogeneous medium of low permittivity, although specific van der Waals interactions may polarise the free carbonyls to quite different extents. The possible implications of these observations on the interpretation of the electronic spectrum of the set of complexed bacteriochlorophylls are discussed.
Keywords:Chlorophyll-protein complex  Resonance Raman spectroscopy  (Prosthecochloris aestuarii)
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