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Host-parasite relatedness in wood ducks: patterns of kinship and parasite success
Authors:Nielsen, Charlotte Roy   Semel, Brad   Sherman, Paul W.   Westneat, David F.   Parker, Patricia G.
Affiliation:a Department of Biology, University of Missouri-St Louis, 8001 Natural Bridge Road, St Louis, MO 63121, USA, b Illinois Department of Natural Resources, 8916 Wilmot Road, Spring Grove, IL 60081, USA, c Department of Neurobiology and Behavior, Cornell University, Mudd Hall, Ithaca, NY 14853, USA, and d Department of Biology, University of Kentucky, 101 Morgan Building, Lexington, KY 40506, USA
Abstract:We investigated the role of kinship in intraspecific nest parasitismof wood ducks (Aix sponsa). Among waterfowl, female philopatrycreates the potential for female relatives to nest in proximity.Costs of intraspecific nest parasitism to host females may bereduced if parasites lay eggs with kin. However, previous observationsof marked wood ducks indicated that females avoided parasitizingclutch mates or the female that incubated them. To further examinethe role of kinship, we determined the genotypes of 27 host-parasitepairs at five microsatellite loci. Average relatedness betweenhosts and all females laying parasitic eggs was only 0.04 ±0.03. Parasites appeared to choose hosts randomly with respectto kinship from among females with nests in the neighborhoodand those within the entire study area. However, host relatednessto the parasite with the greatest number of young leaving thenest was 0.11 ± 0.03, which was greater than expectedif eggs were accepted randomly from neighboring females or fromfemales present on the entire study area (p = .03 and p = .02,respectively). These patterns may reflect parasitism of randomlyselected nests followed by differential acceptance by hosts,differential hatching success of related parasites (e.g., dueto greater laying synchrony), or a mixture of parasitic strategies,one with a focus on related hosts and the other on unrelatedhosts. Genetic data revealed that social relationships did notalways reflect true relatedness and that success of primaryparasites was associated with kinship to hosts.
Keywords:Aix sponsa   intraspecific nest parasitism   kin selection   microsatellites   relatedness   wood ducks.
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