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The Effects of Exogenous Amino Acid on Acetylene Reduction Activity of Vicia faba L. cv. Fiord
Authors:Oti-Boateng  C; Silbury  J H
Institution:Department of Plant Science, Waite Agricultural Research Institute, University of Adelaide, Glen Osmond, South Australia 5064 and Faculty of Agriculture, University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana
Abstract:The feed back control mechanism proposed to explain the inhibitionof N2 fixation by N was investigated using Vicia faba cv. Fiord.Plants were grown under controlled conditions without mineralN in coarse river sand. Asparagine was supplied to plants activelyfixing N2 by absorption through cut roots and via a wick ordirect injection into the stem just above the bottom leaf. Responsesin N2 fixation were measured by acetylene reduction (AR). Feedingplants with 14C]-labelled asparagine showed that the amidewas taken up when exogenously applied. Asparagine (10 mM) suppliedby the above procedures resulted in a 50-70% inhibition of ARby 48 h. Glutamine produced a similar effect. The cut root methodallowed higher levels of these amides to be supplied but theinhibition observed with 10 mM asparagine was only increasedslightly with higher levels of the amide. The antibiotic Securopenprevented bacterial contamination of root solutions of asparagineand glutamine and had no effect on nodule activity. It is concludedthat accumulation of asparagine of glutamine or the resultantincrease in the pool of soluble N in the plant cause a feedbackeffect on the activity of nitrogenase.Copyright 1993, 1999 AcademicPress Vicia faba, faba bean, asparagine, inhibition of N2 fixation
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