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A novel method for the purification of inositol phosphates from biological samples reveals that no phytate is present in human plasma or urine
Authors:Miranda S. C. Wilson  Simon J. Bulley  Francesca Pisani  Robin F. Irvine  Adolfo Saiardi
Affiliation:1.Medical Research Council Laboratory forMolecular Cell Biology, University CollegeLondon, London, UK;2.Department of Pharmacology, University of Cambridge, Tennis CourtRoad, Cambridge CB2 1PD, UK;3.Department of Haematology, Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Trust, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 0QQ, UK;4.Department of Biology, Ecology and EarthScience, University of Calabria, Rende, Italy
Abstract:Inositol phosphates are a large and diverse family of signalling molecules. Whilegenetic studies have discovered important functions for them, the biochemistrybehind these roles is often not fully characterized. A key obstacle in inositolphosphate research in mammalian cells has been the lack of straightforwardtechniques for their purification and analysis. Here we describe the ability oftitanium dioxide (TiO2) beads to bind inositol phosphates. Thisdiscovery allowed the development of a new purification protocol that, coupledwith gel analysis, permitted easy identification and quantification ofInsP6 (phytate), its pyrophosphate derivatives InsP7and InsP8, and the nucleotides ATP and GTP from cell or tissueextracts. Using this approach, InsP6, InsP7 andInsP8 were visualized in Dictyostelium extractsand a variety of mammalian cell lines and tissues, and the effects of metabolicperturbation on these were explored. TiO2 bead purification alsoenabled us to quantify InsP6 in human plasma and urine, which led totwo distinct but related observations. Firstly, there is an activeInsP6 phosphatase in human plasma, and secondly, InsP6is undetectable in either fluid. These observations seriously question reportsthat InsP6 is present in human biofluids and the advisability ofusing InsP6 as a dietary supplement.
Keywords:phytic acid   IP6   IP7   IP8   blood
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