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Ultrastructure of genital system ducts of Diphyllobothrium latum (Cestoda:Pseudophyllidae): the ducts of the female reproductive system
Authors:Poddubnaia L G
Abstract:The components of the female reproductive system of Diphyllobothrium latum, including ovary, ovicapt, oviduct, vitelline ducts, vitelline reservoir, vagina, seminal receptacle, ootype with unicellular Mehlis's gland, ootype-uterine duct and uterus were observed with the electron microscope. The epithelium of the female reproductive system ducts consists of a nucleate syncytial layer. Structural differences in apical surface of the ducts, the number of nuclei and organoids in syncytial layer as well as the number of underlaid muscles were revealed. The regional differentiations of the uterus wall were registered. The middle and distal region of uterus was covered with microtriches. The filamentous microtriches were observed in apical surface of vagina. The epithelium of seminal receptacle and distal region of uterus were underlaided by the powerful muscle layers. The fertilization canal was revealed. It was shown that the formation of egg shells implemented by the deposit of vitelline globules in their surface in the ootype-uterine duct. Structural and functional differences of different parts of female apparatus in various groups of cestodes are conditioned by species biology.
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