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Co-regulation with genes of phospholipid biosynthesis of the CTR/HNM1-encoded choline/nitrogen mustard permease in Saccbaromyces cerevisiae
Authors:Ziyu Li and Martin Brendel
Affiliation:(1) Institut fur Mikrobiologie der J.W Goethe-Universität, Theodor-Stern-Kai 7, Hans 75, D-60596 Frankfurt am Main, Germany
Abstract:An 815 by region of the promoter of the Saccharomyces cerevisiae gene CTR/HNM1, encoding choline permease was sequenced and its regulatory function analysed by deletion studies in an in-frame promoter-lacZ construct. In addition to the TATA box, a 10 by motif (consensus 5prime-CATGTGAAAT-3prime) was found to be mandatory for CTR/HNM1 expression. This lsquodecamerrsquo motif is located between nucleotides –262 and –271 and is identical in 9 of 10 by with the regulatory motif found in the S. cerevisiae INO1 and CHO1 genes. Constructs with the 10 by sequence show high constitutive expression, while elimination or alterations at three nucleotide positions, of the decamer motif in the context of an otherwise unchanged promoter leads to total loss of beta-galactosidase production. Expression of the CTR/HNM1 gene in wild-type cells is regulated by the phospholipid precursors inositol and choline; no such influence is seen in cells bearing mutations in the phospholipid regulatory genes INO2, INO4, and OPI1. There is no regulation by INO2 and OPI1 in the absence of the decamer motif. However constructs not containing this sequence (promoter intact to positions –213 or –152) are still controlled by INO4. Other substrates of the choline permease, i.e. ethanolamine, nitrogen mustard and nitrogen half mustard do not regulate expression of CTR/HNM1.
Keywords:Nitrogen mustard resistance  Regulation of choline permease  Co-regulation  Phospholipid biosynthesis  Saccharomyces cerevisiae
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