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Carbohydrate Metabolism in Drought-Stressed Leaves of Pigeonpea (Cajanus cajan)
Authors:KELLER, F.   LUDLOW, M. M.
Abstract:Pigeonpea is a tropical grain-legume, which is highly dehydrationtolerant. The effect of drought stress on the carbohydrate metabolismin mature pigeonpea leaves was investigated by withholding waterfrom plants grown in very large pots (50 kg of soil). The moststriking feature of drought-stressed plants was the pronouncedaccumulation of D-pinitol (1D-3-methyl-chiro-inositol), whichincreased from 14 to 85 mg g–1 dry weight during a 27d stress period. Concomitantly, the levels of starch, sucroseand the pinitol precursors myo-inositol and ononitol all decreasedrapidly to zero or near-zero in response to drought. The levelsof glucose and fructose increased moderately. Drought stressinduced a pronounced increase of the activities of enzymes hydrolysingsoluble starch (amylases) and sucrose (invertase and sucrosesynthase). The two anabolic enzymes sucrose phosphate synthase(sucrose synthetic pathway) and myo-inositol methyl transferase(pinitol synthetic pathway) also showed an increase of activityduring stress. These results indicate that pinitol accumulatedin pigeonpea leaves, because the carbon flux was diverted fromstarch and sucrose into polyols. Key words: Drought, polyols, pinitol, sucrose, starch, pigeonpea
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