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Aerobiology of Vigo, North-Western Spain: atmospheric pollen spectrum and annual dynamics of the most important taxa, and their clinical importance for allergy
Authors:Jordina Belmonte  Joan M. Roure  Xavier March
Affiliation:(1) Unitat de Botànica, Facultat de Ciències, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, 08193 Bellaterra, Spain;(2) Policlinico Vigo, S.A., Salamanca, 5, 36211 Vigo, Spain
Abstract:Vigo is a city located in the northwest of the Iberian Peninsula. Influenced by the Atlantic climate, it is surrounded by a Eurosiberian-type vegetation, modified by the introduction of forestry and ornamental species. Different ruderal vegetation types, resulting from human influence, grow in the area. The study of the pollen content of the air of Vigo started in 1989, with a Cour trap. Average results for the period 1989–1995 are presented in this paper, together with the lowest and highest values found. The representativeness of the mean values is analysed by calculating the coefficient of variation of the data series. Most pollen types in the atmosphere of Vigo are from tree species (54.2%); an important proportion comes from herb species (43.9%) and very few (1.8%) correspond to shrub species. A total of 73 different pollen types have been identified. The most abundant, listed in decreasing order of mean annual values for the period, are:Pinus (25.1%), Poaceae (21.1%), Urticaceae (14.6%),Quercus (8.5%),Castanea (3.7%),Betula (3.6%),Eucalyptus (3.4%),Plantago (3.2%),Alnus (2.1%), Cupressaceae (2.1%), Oleaceae (1.6%;Olea 1.3%),Platanus (1.3%),Rumex (1.3%), Chenopodiaceae/Amaranthaceae (1.0%), Ericaceae (0.8%), Asteraceae (0.6%;Artemisia 0.1% andTaraxacum type 0.2%) andMercurialis (0.5%). A pollen calendar showing the annual dynamics of all these pollen types is presented in this paper. A parallel study of the clinical importance of respiratory allergies in Vigo was also conducted. From a sample of 2750 patients, 87.2% suffered from rhinoconjunctivitis, 26.0% of these due to pollen, and 78.3% from asthma, 17.2% due to pollen. The pollen types responsible for these allergies, listed in decreasing order, are: Poaceae (78%),Parietaria (12%),Chenopodium (11%),Plantago (9%), Oak (4%),Artemisia (3%),Pinus (3%),Eucalyptus (3%),Olea (2%),Platanus (2%),Castanea (2%),Taraxacum (2%),Rumex (2%),Betula (1%),Cupressus (1%) andMercurialis (1%).
Keywords:Aerobiology  Allergy  Cour method  Pollen calendar  Pollinosis  Skin prick test
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