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Sexual dimorphism and synchrony of breeding: variation in polygyny potential among populations in the common brushtail possum, Trichosurus vulpecula
Authors:Isaac, Joanne L.   Johnson, Christopher N.
Affiliation:School of Tropical Biology, James Cook University, Townsville Qld 4811, Australia
Abstract:Male-biased sexual dimorphism in both size and body mass isa common characteristic of many polygynous mammals and is oftenattributed to sexual selection favoring large males. The degreeof dimorphism is thought to be related to the potential forsome males to monopolize access to estrous females, which isin turn related to the distribution of receptive females inspace and time. In the present study, we investigated the relationshipbetween the temporal distribution of breeding females and thedegree of mass dimorphism among 11 populations of the commonbrushtail possum from northern Australia. Breeding patternsvaried from complete aseasonality in some populations to a seasonalconcentration of births within 2 or 3 months in others. We predictedthat in populations in which mating opportunities were distributedthroughout the year, dominant males would be able to monopolizeaccess to larger numbers of estrous females than in populationsin which matings were more seasonal, and in such populations,large body size in males would be favored. We found that dimorphismwas related to seasonality of breeding, being greatest in populationswith a more aseasonal pattern. Mean body mass of male possumsalso decreased with increasing population density. Populationdensity may influence the degree of breeding synchrony withinpopulations, particularly in locations with a more seasonalclimate. The present study is the first to demonstrate plasticityin mass dimorphism in response to local variation in the synchronyof breeding in a mammal species.
Keywords:breeding seasonality   polygyny   population density   reproductive synchrony   sexual dimorphism   sexual selection   Trichosurus vulpecula.
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