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A combination of bioactive and nonbioactive alkyl-peptides form a more stable nanofiber structure for differentiating neural stem cells: a molecular dynamics simulation survey
Authors:Havva Mehralitabar  Hossein Naderi-Manesh
Affiliation:Department of Biological Science, Tarbiat Modares University, Tehran, Iran
Abstract:Self-assembling alkyl-peptides are important molecules due to their ability to construct nano-level structures such as nanofibers to be utilized as tissue engineering scaffolds. The bioactive epitope of FAQRVPP which acts as neural stem cells (NSCs) outgrowth inducing factor is used in nanofiber structures. Based on previous experimental studies the density and distribution pattern of the epitopes on the surface of the nanofibers plays an important role in the differentiation function efficiency. We decided to survey and compare the stability of two pre-constructed fiber structures in the forms of all-functionalized nanofiber (containing only bioactive alkyl-peptides) and distributed functionalized nanofiber (a combination of nonbioactive and bioactive alkyl-peptides with ratio 2:1). Our findings reveal that the all-functionalized fiber shows an unstable structure and is split into intermediate micelle-like structures to reduce compactness and steric hindrance of functional epitopes whereas the distributed functionalized fiber shows an integrated stable nanofiber with a more amount of beta sheets that are well-organized and oriented around the hydrophobic core. The hydrogen bonds and energy profiles of the structures indicate the role of hydrophobic interactions during the alkyl-chain core formation and the important role of electrostatic interactions and hydrogen bond network in the stability of the final structures. Finally, it seems that the possibility of the presence of intermediate structure is increased in the all-functionalized nanofiber environment, and it can reduce functional efficiency of the scaffolds. These findings can help to design more efficient nanofiber structures with different goals in scaffolds for tissue engineering. Abbreviations MD Molecular Dynamics

NSCs Neural Stem Cells

PME Particle mesh Ewald

RDF Radial Distribution Function

RG Radius of gyration

RASA Relative Accessible Surface Area

RMSD Root Mean Square Deviations

SASA Solvent Accessible Surface Area.

Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma

Keywords:Alkyl-peptide  distributed functionalized nanofiber  intermediate micelle-like structure  molecular dynamic simulation
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