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Post-glacial colonization of brown trout, Salmo trutta L.: Ldh-5 as a phylogeographic marker locus
Authors:K. E. Hamilton,A. Ferguson,¶  ,J. B. Taggart,T. Tó  masson,&dagger  ,A. Walker,&Dagger   E. Fahy,§  
Affiliation:Department of Biology, The Queen's University, Belfast BT7 INN, Northern Ireland, U.K.;Institute of Freshwater Fisheries, 551 Saudárkrókur, Iceland;DAFS Freshwater Fisheries Laboratory, Pitlochry, Perthshire PHI 6 5LB, U.K.;Fisheries Research Centre, Department of the Marine, Dublin 15, Republic of Ireland
Abstract:The Ldh-5 locus, which codes for the eye-specific lactate dehydrogenase in brown trout, has been shown to be polymorphic for two codominant alleles, Ldh-5 (100) and Ldh-5 (90). The Ldh-5 (100 ) allele is present in 11 other salmonid species and is therefore likely to be the ancestral one, whereas the unique brown trout Ldh-5 (90 ) allele would seem to be the result of a mutation in that lineage. The Ldh-5 (90 ) allele appears to have arisen in north-west Europe during or after the last glaciation, with allelic substitution taking place under the action of natural selection. The Ldh-5 (90 ) allele can be used as a phylogeographic marker to trace the post-glacial spread of the populations possessing it. Examination of the current distribution of the two alleles suggests that, in the formerly glaciated area of north-west Europe, there have been two post-glacial colonizations by brown trout. The first was by an 'ancestral' race fixed for the Ldh-5(100 ) allele. This was later replaced by, or introgressed with, the later-arriving 'modern' race characterized by the Ldh-5 (90 ) allele, except where physical barriers prevented colonization by this latter form. Artificial stocking has resulted in 'genetic contamination' of many populations of the ancestral race and there is an urgent need to conserve the remaining pristine populations, especially in view of the likely genetic propensity for longevity and ultimate large size exhibited by this race.
Keywords:brown trout    lactate dehydrogenase    allozymes    fish stocks    gene conservation    biochemical population genetics
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