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Authors:David G. Fisher
Affiliation:Forstbotanisches Institut der Universität Göttingen, Büsgenweg 2, D-3400 Göttingen-Weende, Federal Republic of Germany
Abstract:Leaves of the Princeton and a variegated clone of Coleus blumei Benth. were examined with the light microscope to determine the course of their vasculature and the spatial relationship between the mesophyll, bundle sheath, and vascular tissues. In Princeton clone leaves two leaf traces enter the petiole at the node and quickly branch to form an arc of bundles which undergo further divisions as well as fusions in the distal half of the petiole. The anastomosing arc of bundles reaches its greatest complexity in the base of the midvein, where its lateral-most bundles unite and diverge outward to form secondary veins. As the midvein bundles continue acropetally, they gradually fuse more and divide less until only a single bundle remains, from which secondaries and smaller veins branch. Major (ribbed) veins include not only the midvein and secondaries but also tertiary and quaternary veins. Decreasing vein size is accompanied by increasing direct contact between vascular and photosynthetic tissues. Minor veins, which make up 86% of the total vein length, are completely surrounded by photosynthetic bundle sheaths and mesophyll consisting of palisade and spongy parenchyma. Statoliths occur in a layer of cells just outside the phloem of the petiole-midrib axis and secondary veins. Functional hydathodes are present at the apices of the marginal teeth. The overall organization of tissues in variegated leaves differs little in either the green or albuminous areas from corresponding (but always green) regions of Princeton leaves. Chloroplasts are lacking in mesophyll, bundle-sheath, and most guard cells of the albuminous region but are present in guard cells which are within 1 mm of green areas.
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