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Authors:Bijan Dehgan
Abstract:Anatomical features of the petiole in several species of Jatropha L. (Euphorbiaceae) are presented as evidence in support of infrageneric relationships. A trilacunar 3-trace nodal pattern is typical for the genus. The vascular supply to the stipules is derived from the branching of the two peripheral leaf traces. The number of vascular bundles range from 11 through 9, 7, 5 and 3, and occur in a ring, as free traces, a medullated cylinder, or as U-shaped free traces. The reduction from nine to three bundles is correlated with the gross morphological features while 11, which occurs only in the section Peltatae (Pax) Dehgan & Webster, presents an increase. Reduction in the number of petiolar traces follows the evolutionary advancement of various taxa. This reduction in traces corresponds with south-north distribution of the species and consequential adaptation to colder and more arid climates in Central America and Africa. Smaller leaves, fewer primary veins and fewer vascular traces have resulted as a response to reduced need for water. Presence of dorsal (super-numerary) bundles which supply the petiolar glands in subgenus Jatropha (= Adenoropium Pax) is considered significant, since African taxa of the section (subsection Pubescentes Pax) have retained these bundles despite the loss of petiolar glands. The latter glands are prominent in the South American and Indian species. Sectional lines in the genus can, therefore, be drawn generally on the basis of numerical constancy and relative uniformity in the arrangement of petiolar traces. The continuity of vascular bundles from the stem into the petiole and variations of bundle arrangements are depicted in three-dimensional drawings.
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