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Responses of Net Photosynthesis and Conductance to Independent Changes in the Humidity Environments of the Upper and Lower Surfaces of Leaves of Sunflower and Soybean
Abstract:A dual-surface leaf chamber was used to investigate the responsesof net photosynthesis and leaf conductance to independent changesin the humidity environments of the upper and lower surfacesof leaves of sunflower and soybean. In sunflower decreasingthe humidity around the upper leaf surface while maintainingthat of the lower surface constant and high reduced both thephotosynthetic rate and the conductance of the lower surface.These reductions could not be attributed to changes in bulkleaf water potential since the transpiration rate of the wholeleaf remained constant. Similarly, the reductions were not relatedto localized water deficits in the lower epidermis or lowermesophyll since the transpiration rate of the lower surfacewas reduced. Possible mechanisms whereby the gas exchange characteristicsof the lower leaf surface of sunflower respond to the humidityenvironment of the upper surface are discussed. In contrastto sunflower, the photosynthetic rate of the lower surface ofsoybean was insensitive to the humidity environment of the uppersurface. In leaves of sunflower grown under a moderate temperature anda medium light level, simultaneous decreases of humidity atboth leaf surfaces reduced the photosynthetic rate of the wholeleaf without affecting the substomatal partial pressure of CO2.In contrast, with leaves developed under a cool temperatureand a high light level, both the photosynthetic rate and thesubstomatal partial pressure of CO2 were reduced. Evidently,the occurrence in sunflower of the response pattern suggestinga non-stomatal inhibition of photosynthesis by low humiditydepends upon the environment during growth. The possibilitythat this non-stomatal inhibition may be an artifact due toan error in the assumption of water vapour saturation withinthe leaf airspace is considered. Key words: Vapour pressure deficit, photosynthesis, conductance, non-stomatal inhibition, Helianthus annuus, Glycine max
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