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Ly-6.2: A new lymphocyte specificity of peripheral T-cells
Authors:Ian F. C. McKenzie  Marianna Cherry  George D. Snell
Affiliation:(1) Department of Medicine, Austin Hospital, 3084 Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia;(2) Jackson Laboratory, 04609 Bar Harbor, Maine
Abstract:A new cell-membrane alloantigen determining locus, Ly-6, has recently been described, and the single specificity Ly-6.2 has been defined by the serum (BALB/c× A)F1 anti-CXBD. Using both fluorescence and cytotoxicity, we found this specificity predominantly on peripheral (extrathymic) T cells, as tissues react thus: thymus, 0–5 percent; spleen, 25 percent; lymph nodes, 69 percent; bone marrow, 15 percent. These reactions agree with the proportion of (Thy+, Ig) cells present in these tissues. Cortisone-resistant thymus cells were positive. Absorption studies with thymus cells demonstrated the sparse or absent representation of Ly-6.2 on intrathymic T cells. Examination of spleen and lymph node cells from T cell-depleted C57BL/6 mice (after in vitro treatment with anti-Thy-1 serum or examination of tissues of C57BL/6-nu/nu mice) also showed a depletion of Ly-6.2+ cells. Conversely, removal of Ig+ B cells, which caused a relative increase in the number of T cells in the residual population, also increased the number of Ly-6.2+ cells. Additive effects of anti-Thy-1.2 and anti-Ly-6.2 could not be demonstrated, which suggests that the same population was Thy-1.2+, Ly-6.2+. However, additive effects could be shown with an anti-Ia serum and anti-Ly-6.2. The Ly-6.2 specificity is not found on red cells, liver, brain, or antibody-forming cells, but has been identified on a T-cell (but not B-cell) tumor and on kidney. Ly-6.2 can therefore be considered to be a marker for peripheral T cells, and it differs from the Thy-1 and the Ly-1,2,3, and 5 specificities in its relative absence from the thymus.
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