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Sensitivity of mitochondrial Mg++ flux to reagents which affect K+ flux
Authors:Joyce Johnson Diwan  Teresa Haley  Charlest Moore
Affiliation:(1) Biology Department, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute, 12180-3590 Troy, New York
Abstract:Effects on Mg++ transport in rat liver mitochondria of three reagents earlier shown to affect mitochondrial K+ transport have been examined. The sulfhydryl reactive reagent phenylarsine oxide, which activates K+ flux into respiring mitochondria, also stimulates Mg++ influx. The K+ analog Ba++, when taken up into the mitochondrial matrix, inhibits influx of both K+ and Mg++. The effect on Mg++ influx is seen only if Mg++, which blocks Ba++ accumulation, is added after a preincubation with Ba++. Thus the inhibition of Mg++ influx appears to require interaction of Ba++ at the matrix side of the inner mitochondrial membrane. Added Ba++ also diminishes observed rates of Mg++ efflux but not K+ efflux. This difference may relate to a higher concentration of Ba++ remaining in the medium in the presence of Mg++ under the conditions of our experiments. Pretreatment of mitochondria with dicyclohexylcarbodiimide (DCCD), under conditions which result in an increase in the apparentKm for K+ of the K+ influx mechanism, results in inhibition of Mg++ influx from media containing approximately 0.2 mM Mg++. The inhibitory effect of DCCD on Mg++ influx is not seen at higher external Mg++ (0.8 mM). This dependence on cation concentration is similar to the dependence on K+ concentration of the inhibitory effect of DCCD on K+ influx. Although mitochondrial Mg++ and K+ transport mechanisms exhibit similar reagent sensitivities, whether Mg++ and K+ share common transport catalysts remains to be established.Abbreviations used: DCCD, dicyclohexylcarbodiimide; PheAsO, phenylarsine oxide.
Keywords:Mg++ flux  mitochondrial  Ba++  phenylarsine oxide  DCCD
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