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Toxicity of coastal coccolithophores (Prymnesiophyceae, Haptophyta)
Authors:Houdan, A.   Bonnard, A.   Fresnel, J.   Fouchard, S.   Billard, C.   Probert, I.
Affiliation:Laboratoire de Biologie et Biotechnologies Marines, Université de Caen, 14032 Caen, France
Abstract:Over the last decade, certain coccolithophores have been thesubject of extensive multidisciplinary research. Several speciesof coccolithophore, belonging mainly to the families Pleurochrysidaceaeand Hymenomonadaceae, inhabit inshore coastal waters where theymay occasionally bloom and hence impact aquaculture resources.The toxicity to Artemia salina larvae of 11 species of coccolithophore(nine coastal and two oceanic members of the order Coccolithales)was tested. For the nine coastal species, tests were conductedwith rapidly growing and stationary phase cultures at a rangeof cellular concentrations and for two different exposure times(24 and 48 h). Five of the coastal species (four in the genusPleurochrysis as well as Jomonlithus littoralis) were foundto be toxic to A. salina nauplii. Allelopathic effects of acell-free filtrate of a culture of a toxic coccolithophore werealso tested on three flagellate microalgal species: Scrippsiellatrochoidea, Tetraselmis sp. and Isochrysis galbana. Negativeeffects of the filtrate on growth rates and motility of S. trochoideaand Tetraselmis sp. were recorded, suggesting that the toxinof the coccolithophore tested could be an exotoxin similar tothat produced by other non-calcifying members of the Prymnesiophyceae.The fact that certain coccolithophores were found to be toxicto invertebrates and were shown to exhibit allelopathic activitycould imply negative effects at different trophic levels incoastal areas.
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