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Modulation of enrofloxacin binding in OmpF by Mg2+ as revealed by the analysis of fast flickering single-porin current
Authors:Brauser Annemarie  Schroeder Indra  Gutsmann Thomas  Cosentino Cristian  Moroni Anna  Hansen Ulf-Peter  Winterhalter Mathias
Affiliation:Department of Biological Sciences, SUNY College of Optometry, New York, NY 10036, USA.
Abstract:The anti-malarial drug quinine and its quaternary derivative N-benzylquininium (BQ(+)) have been shown to inhibit gap junction (GJ) channels with specificity for Cx50 over its closely related homologue Cx46. Here, we examined the mechanism of BQ(+) action using undocked Cx46 and Cx50 hemichannels, which are more amenable to analyses at the single-channel level. We found that BQ(+) (300 μM-1 mM) robustly inhibited Cx50, but not Cx46, hemichannel currents, indicating that the Cx selectivity of BQ(+) is preserved in both hemichannel and GJ channel configurations. BQ(+) reduced Cx50 hemichannel open probability (P(o)) without appreciably altering unitary conductance of the fully open state and was effective when added from either extracellular or cytoplasmic sides. The reductions in P(o) were dependent on BQ(+) concentration with a Hill coefficient of 1.8, suggesting binding of at least two BQ(+) molecules. Inhibition by BQ(+) was voltage dependent, promoted by hyperpolarization from the extracellular side and conversely by depolarization from the cytoplasmic side. These results are consistent with binding of BQ(+) in the pore. Substitution of the N-terminal (NT) domain of Cx46 into Cx50 significantly impaired inhibition by BQ(+). The NT domain contributes to the formation of the wide cytoplasmic vestibule of the pore and, thus, may contribute to the binding of BQ(+). Single-channel analyses showed that BQ(+) induced transitions that did not resemble pore block, but rather transitions indistinguishable from the intrinsic gating events ascribed to loop gating, one of two mechanisms that gate Cx channels. Moreover, BQ(+) decreased mean open time and increased mean closed time, indicating that inhibition consists of an increase in hemichannel closing rate as well as a stabilization of the closed state. Collectively, these data suggest a mechanism of action for BQ(+) that involves modulation loop gating rather than channel block as a result of binding in the NT domain.
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