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Claudin5 genes encoding tight junction proteins are required for Xenopus heart formation
Authors:Yamagishi Masahiro  Ito Yuzuru  Ariizumi Takashi  Komazaki Shinji  Danno Hiroki  Michiue Tatsuo  Asashima Makoto
Affiliation:Research Center for Stem Cell Engineering (SCRC), National Institute of Advanced Industrial Science and Technology (AIST), Higashi, Tsukuba-city, Ibaraki 305-3962, Japan.
Abstract:Claudin proteins are the major components of tight junctions connecting adjacent cells, where they regulate a variety of cellular activities. In the present paper we identified two Xenopus claudin5 genes (cldn5a and 5b), which are expressed early in the developing cardiac region. Precocious cldn5 expression was observed in explants of non-heart-forming mesoderm under inhibition of the canonical Wnt pathway. Cardiogenesis was severely perturbed by antisense oligonucleotides against cldn5 or by Cldn5 proteins lacking the cytoplasmic domain. Results of light- and electron-microscopic observations suggested that cldn5a and 5b are required for Xenopus heart tube formation through epithelialization of the precardiac mesoderm.
Keywords:cardiogenesis  claudin  development  heart  xenopus
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