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Effect of some Flavonoids and Phenolic Acids on Seed Germination and Rooting
Abstract:Nandakumar, L. and Rangaswamy, N. S. 1985. Effect of some flavonoidsand phenolic acids on seed germination and rooting.Mdash;J.cxp. Bot. 36: 1313–1319. Effects of isovitexin (isolated from leaves of Rhynchosia minima),leucocyanidin, gallic acid, and protocatechuic acid on seedgermination and subsequent seedling growth of a crucifer Brassicacampestris, and two legumes Lens esculenta and R. minima, aswell as effects of isovitexin on rooting of onion bulbs aredescribed. Neither of the flavonoids affected seed germinationin any of the three systems studied. However, both the flavonoidspromoted seedling growth in B. campestris and L. esculenta;the promotion of root growth was more marked. At 10–5and 10–7M, isovitexin also promoted rooting of onion bulbs.In the range of 2.27 ? 10–4M to 3.28 ? 10–3M, leucocyanidinpromoted growth of both root and shoot in L. esculenta, whereasin the range 3.28 ? 10–3M to l.64?lO–3M it suppressedseedling growth. In contrast to the flavonoids, the two phenolicacids tested inhibited seed germination at 10–3M, andat lower concentrations they suppressed seedling growth. The promotive effects of the flavonoids isovitexin and leucocyanidin,especially on root growth, hold promise for the use of suchnaturally occurring plant substances in studies on the physiologyof plant growth and development. Key words: Flavonoids, phenolic acids, seed germination, rooting
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