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Diversity and Prevalence of Hereditary Diseases among Nogais of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic
Authors:R. A. Zinchenko  A. Kh. Makaov  V. V. Kadyshev  V. A. Galkina  E. L. Dadali  L. K. Mikhailova  M. F. Shurygina  A. V. Marakhonov  N. V. Petrova  N. E. Petrina  G. I. El’chinonva  P. Gundorova  A. S. Tanas  V. V. Strelnikov  A. V. Polyakov  E. K. Ginter
Affiliation:1.Research Center for Medical Genetics,Moscow,Russia;2.Pirogov Russian National Research Medical University,Moscow,Russia;3.Habezskaya Central District Hospital,Habez,Russia;4.Fyodorov Eye Microsurgery Complex,Moscow,Russia;5.Priorov Central Scientific Research Institute of Traumatology and Orthopedics,Moscow,Russia;6.Moscow Institute of Physics and Technology,Dolgoprudny,Russia;7.Moscow State University of Medicine and Dentistry,Moscow,Russia
Abstract:The diversity and prevalence of hereditary diseases (HDs) among Nogais of the Karachay-Cherkess Republic (KChR) are described. The size of the surveyed KChR population was 387231 individuals, including 3.81% Nogais (14741 individuals). We revealed 36 nosological forms of HDs (110 patients from 81 families): 22 with autosomal dominant (AD) inheritance, 10 with autosomal recessive (AR) inheritance, and 4 with X-linked inheritance. The prevalence of HDs in Nogais was 1: 134. The features of HD diversity in Nogais were determined in comparison with the previously surveyed populations of Russia. The accumulation of Ehlers–Danlos syndrome (1: 388), AD amelogenesis imperfecta (1: 3685), AD ichthyosis (1: 4914), AR nonsyndromic mental retardation (1: 1340), AR Gilbert syndrome (1: 4914), and X-linked inherited deficit of glucose-6-dehydrogenase (1: 1774 males) was established. The analysis of heterozygous carriage of mutations “major” for Russia in the genes of the four following AR diseases in 118 unrelated clinically healthy Nogais (236 analyzed chromosomes) was performed: cystic fibrosis (13 mutations in the CFTR gene: CFTRdele2,3 (21 kb), F508del, I507del, 1677delTA, 2184insA, 2143delT, 2183AA>G, 2184delA, 394delTT, 3821delT, L138ins, E92K, W1282X); phenylketonuria (six frequent mutations in the PAH gene: R261X, R408W, R413P, F331S, P211T, P211L); nonsyndromic sensorineural hearing loss (35delG mutation in the GJB2 gene); and Gilbert syndrome (an increase in the number of TA repeats in the UGT1A1 gene). Allelic specificity for all studied genes in the Nogai people was revealed.
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