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Artificial induction of lactation in ewes: the relative importance of oxytocin and the milking stimulus.
Authors:W J Fulkerson  G H McDowell
Abstract:Eight ovariectomized and four intact ewes were given oestrogen plus progesterone to develop the mammary glands. The intact ewes (group A) and four ovariectomized ewes (group B) then received four injections each day of 1 i.u. syntocinon for 5 days whereas the other four ovariectomized ewes (group C) received placebo injections of 0-9% saline. Milking commenced the day after the last of these injections. Yields of mammary secretion on the first day of milking--representing secretion accumulated during the injection of syntocinon or saline--for ewes in groups A and B were significantly higher than yields from group C (control) ewes. After 12 days of milking, yields of secretion from group A ewes were significantly higher than yields from group B ewes which in turn were significantly higher than yields from ewes in group C.
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