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Changes in action potentials and intracellular ionic homeostasis in a ventricular cell model related to a persistent sodium current in SCN5A mutations underlying LQT3
Authors:Christé G  Chahine M  Chevalier P  Pásek M

aINSERM, ADR Lyon, Lyon, France

bLe Centre de Recherche Université Laval Robert-Giffard and Department of Medicine, Laval University, Québec, Canada

cUnité de Cardiologie et Soins Intensifs, Hôpital Cardiovasculaire et Pneumologique L. Pradel, Lyon, France

dInstitute of Thermomechanics, Czech Academy of Sciences, Brno, Czech Republic

eDepartment of Physiology, Faculty of Medicine, Masaryk University, Brno, Czech Republic

Abstract:In LQT3 patients, SCN5A mutations induce ultraslow inactivation of a small fraction of the hNav1.5 current, i.e. persistent Na+ current (IpNa). We explored the time course of effects of such a change on the intracellular ionic homeostasis in a model of guinea-pig cardiac ventricular cell [Pasek, M., Simurda, J., Orchard, C.H., Christé, G., 2007b. A model of the guinea-pig ventricular cardiomyocyte incorporating a transverse–axial tubular system. Prog. Biophys. Mol. Biol., this issue]. Sudden addition of IpNa prevented action potential (AP) repolarization when its conductance (gpNa) exceeded 0.12% of the maximal conductance of fast INa (gNa). With gpNa at 0.1% gNa, the AP duration at 90% repolarization (APD90) was initially lengthened to 2.6-fold that in control. Under regular stimulation at 1 Hz it shortened progressively to 1.37-fold control APD90, and intracellular [Na+]i increased by 6% with a time constant of 106 s. Further increasing gpNa to 0.2% gNa caused an immediate increase in APD90 to 5.7-fold that in control, which decreased to 2.2-fold that in control in 30 s stimulation at 1 Hz. At this time diastolic [Na+]i and [Ca2+]i were, respectively, 34% and 52% higher than in control and spontaneous erratic SR Ca release occurred.

In the presence of IpNa causing 46% lengthening of APD90, the model cell displayed arrhythmogenic behaviour when external [K+] was lowered to 5 mM from an initial value at 5.4 mM. By contrast, when K+ currents IKr and IKs were lowered in the model cell to produce the same lengthening of APD90, no proarrhythmic behaviour was observed, even when external [K+] was lowered to 2.5 mM.

Keywords:Sudden death   Mutation   SCN5A   Long QT syndrome   Model
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