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Challenges of the genetic code for exploring sequence space in directed protein evolution
Authors:Tuck Seng Wong - Both authors contributed equally to this work  Danilo Roccatano   Ulrich Schwaneberg
Affiliation: a School of Engineering and Science, International University Bremen, Bremen, Germany
Abstract:Directed protein evolution is the most versatile method for studying protein structure-function relationships, and for tailoring a protein's properties to the needs of industrial applications. In this review, we performed a statistical analysis on the genetic code to study the extent and consequence of the organization of the genetic code on amino acid substitution patterns generated in directed evolution experiments. In detail, we analyzed amino acid substitution patterns caused by (a) a single nucleotide (nt) exchange at each position of all 64 codons, and (b) two subsequent nt exchanges (first and second nt, first and third nt, second and third nt). Additionally, transitions and transversions mutations were compared at the level of amino acid substitution patterns. The latter analysis showed that single nucleotide substitution in a codon generates only 39.5% of the natural diversity on the protein level with 5.2-7 amino acid substitutions per codon. Transversions generate more complex amino acid substitution patterns (increased number and chemically more diverse amino acid substitutions) than transitions. Simultaneous nt exchanges at both first and second nt of a codon generates very diverse amino acid substitution patterns, achieving 83.2% of the natural diversity. The statistical analysis described in this review sets the objectives for novel random mutagenesis methods that address the consequences of the organization of the genetic code. Random mutagenesis methods that favor transversions or introduce consecutive nt exchanges can contribute in this regard.
Keywords:Genetic code  directed evolution  transition  transversion  random mutagenesis
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