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The millipede genus Eviulisoma Silvestri, 1910 in Kenya,with descriptions of new species (Diplopoda,Polydesmida, Paradoxosomatidae)
Authors:Didier VandenSpiegel  Sergei I. Golovatch
Affiliation:1.Musée Royal de l’Afrique centrale, B-3080 Tervuren, Belgium ;2.Institute for Problems of Ecology & Evolution, Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky pr. 33, Moscow 119071, Russia
Abstract:The genus Eviulisoma, the largest among Afrotropical Paradoxosomatidae, currently encompasses 36 species or subspecies, including six new from Kenya: Eviulisomangaiasp. n., Eviulisomangaiaorumsp. n., Eviulisomataitaorumsp. n., Eviulisomataitasp. n., Eviulisomakirimerisp. n. and Eviulisomakakamegasp. n. In addition, Eviulisomaalluaudi Brolemann, 1920 and Eviulisomasilvestre (Carl, 1909) are recorded for the first time beyond their type localities in Kenya and Tanzania, respectively, based on new material from Kenya. A key is given to all ten species of the genus presently reported from Kenya.
Keywords:  taxon-name"  >  class"  >Diplopoda,   taxon-name"  >  genus"  >Eviulisoma, taxonomy, new species, key
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