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Ecological aspects of mycorrhizal symbiosis: with special emphasis on the functional diversity of interactions involving the extraradical mycelium
Authors:Finlay Roger D
Affiliation:Department of Forest Mycology and Pathology, Uppsala BioCenter, SLU, Box 7026, Uppsala SE-750 07, Sweden. Roger.Finlay@mykopat.slu.se
Abstract:Different symbiotic mycorrhizal associations between plantsand fungi occur, almost ubiquitously, in a wide range of terrestrialecosystems. Historically, these have mainly been consideredwithin the rather narrow perspective of their effects on theuptake of dissolved mineral nutrients by individual plants.More recent research has placed emphasis on a wider, multifunctionalperspective, including the effects of mycorrhizal symbiosison plant and microbial communities, and on ecosystem processes.This includes mobilization of N and P from organic polymers,release of nutrients from mineral particles or rock surfacesvia weathering, effects on carbon cycling, interactions withmyco-heterotrophic plants, mediation of plant responses to stressfactors such as drought, soil acidification, toxic metals, andplant pathogens, as well as a range of possible interactionswith groups of other soil micro-organisms. Mycorrhizal fungiconnect their plant hosts to the heterogeneously distributednutrients required for their growth, enabling the flow of energy-richcompounds required for nutrient mobilization whilst simultaneouslyproviding conduits for the translocation of mobilized productsback to their hosts. In addition to increasing the nutrientabsorptive surface area of their host plant root systems, theextraradical mycelium of mycorrhizal fungi provides a directpathway for translocation of photosynthetically derived carbonto microsites in the soil and a large surface area for interactionwith other micro-organisms. The detailed functioning and regulationof these mycorrhizosphere processes is still poorly understoodbut recent progress is reviewed and potential benefits of improvedunderstanding of mycorrhizosphere interactions are discussed. Key words: Arbuscular mycorrhiza, biotic interactions, carbon flow, ectomycorrhiza, ericoid mycorrhiza, mycelium, nutrient uptake, symbiosis, weatheringReceived 22 January 2008; Revised 7 February 2008 Accepted 7 February 2008
Keywords:Arbuscular mycorrhiza   biotic interactions   carbon flow   ectomycorrhiza   ericoid mycorrhiza   mycelium   nutrient uptake   symbiosis   weathering
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