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Proposition d’un référentiel taphonomique fossile de faunes issues d’avens-pièges
Authors:Marie-Pierre Coumont
Institution:Maison de la Recherche, LAMPEA, UMR 6636, TRACES, UMR 5608, université de Toulouse, université de Toulouse 2–Le Mirail, 5, allée Antonio-Machado, 31058 Toulouse, France
Abstract:Pitfalls are formations characterized by a vertical opening that connects the karstic system to the outside. The presence of faunas trapped without the intervention of man or carnivores, offers the opportunity to establish a fossil referential of modifications generated by identified taphonomic agents. Three natural deposits containing large faunal accumulations feed this work. Their characteristics differ. The Igue des Rameaux, to Saint-Antonin-Noble-Val in Tarn-et-Garonne, is a pitfall which contains two accumulations of fauna independent from the Middle Pleistocene. Scavenging by man and carnivores (hyenas and wolves) are observed. The Igue du Gral, to Sauliac-sur-Célé in Lot, is a second pitfall. His principal phase of filling took place 14,000 years ago. Man did not exploit this assemblage. The activity of wolves is locally important, some animals are scavenged. The Grotte de l’Escale, in Bouches-du-Rhône, contains a very important filling of lower and middle Pleistocene. For the levels presented here, only a very weak presence of carnivores is attested. The thar (Hemitragus bonali) is the majority specie. We describe here the main forms of climato-edaphic modifications: fragmentation, dissolution, weathering and deposits observed on the osseous material. A differential analysis enables us to evaluate the variability of the situations according to the stratigraphic units and the different species. In a second time, we estimate the impact of the taphonomic agents on the differential conservation of bones and skeletal representations. Many phenomena are producing a significant correlation between anatomical representations and osseous densities. However, we find for all the species a certain homogeneity in the skeletal profiles where no precise element dominates. In a last part, we give two examples of the use of the taphonomic phenomena in the individualization of filling episodes within sometimes disrupted stratigraphies.
Keywords:Aven-piè  ge  Phé  nomè  nes climato-é  daphiques  Taphonomie  Modifications osseuses  Densité  s osseuses
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