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Influence of age and gender on cardiac output-VO2 relationships during submaximal cycle ergometry
Authors:Proctor, David N.   Beck, Kenneth C.   Shen, Peter H.   Eickhoff, Tamara J.   Halliwill, John R.   Joyner, Michael J.
Abstract:Proctor, David N., Kenneth C. Beck, Peter H. Shen, Tamara J. Eickhoff, John R. Halliwill, and Michael J. Joyner. Influence ofage and gender on cardiacoutput-VO2 relationshipsduring submaximal cycle ergometry. J. Appl.Physiol. 84(2): 599-605, 1998.---It is presentlyunclear how gender, aging, and physical activity status interact todetermine the magnitude of the rise in cardiac output(Qc) during dynamic exercise. To clarify this issue,the present study examined theQc-O2 uptake(VO2) relationship duringgraded leg cycle ergometry in 30 chronically endurance-trained subjects from four groups (n = 6-8/group): younger men (20-30 yr), older men (56-72yr), younger women (24-31 yr), and older women(51-72 yr). Qc (acetylene rebreathing), strokevolume (Qc/heart rate), and whole bodyVO2 were measured at restand during submaximal exercise intensities (40, 70, and ~90% of peakVO2). Baseline restinglevels of Qc were 0.6-1.2 l/min less in theolder groups. However, the slopes of theQc-VO2relationship across submaximal levels of cycling were similar among allfour groups (5.4-5.9 l/l). The absolute Qcassociated with a given VO2(1.0-2.0 l/min) was also similar among groups. Resting andexercise stroke volumes (ml/beat) were lower in women than in men butdid not differ among age groups. However, older men and women showed areduced ability, relative to their younger counterparts, to maintainstroke volume at exercise intensities above 70% of peakVO2. This latter effect wasmost prominent in the oldest women. These findings suggest that neitherage nor gender has a significant impact on theQc-VO2 relationships during submaximal cycle ergometry among chronically endurance-trained individuals.

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