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Idiotype variants emerging after anti-idiotype monoclonal antibody therapy of a murine B cell lymphoma
Authors:G J Weiner  M S Kaminski
Affiliation:Department of Internal Medicine, University of Michigan Medical Center, Ann Arbor 48109.
Abstract:One of the difficulties encountered with the treatment of human B cell malignancies with anti-Id antibodies is the emergence of Id variants. The current study was designed to investigate this phenomenon further by using the murine B cell lymphoma model 38C13. Tumors were harvested that developed despite treatment with the anti-Id antibody S1C5 in mice inoculated with 38C13 cells and evaluated by immunofluorescence. Various phenotypes were found among escaping tumor cells. Some cells continued to react with S1C5 whereas others lost S1C5 reactivity. Among these latter cells, some continued to express surface IgM kappa, whereas others no longer expressed surface mu or kappa. After Id variant cell lines were established, immunofluorescence and ELISA of cell lysates from the surface IgM kappa- lines revealed persistent intracellular mu H chain but no detectable kappa. Surface IgM kappa+ lines were fused with myeloma cells and the Ig proteins secreted by the resultant hybridomas analyzed. The apparent m.w. of the mu-chains of these rescued Ig was the same as wild-type 38C13, whereas the kappa-chains were either the same or different in m.w. from the wild type. The IgM kappa of the variant line, T3C, weakly reacted with S1C5 and did not react with other anti-Id antibodies. The IgM kappa of the other variants were nonreactive with all the antibodies. Immunofluorescence of these surface Ig+ variants confirmed this finding. Some of the surface Ig+ and Ig- variant lines grew identically to wild-type tumor in vivo, but only the weakly S1C5-reactive variant T3C was inhibited in its growth by S1C5. Moreover, T3C was the only one of these lines capable of being lysed in vitro with S1C5 by antibody-dependent cellular cytotoxicity. Further studies revealed that surface Ig+ and Ig- variants emerge in escaping tumors with similar frequency and that these variants represent a major mode of tumor escape from anti-Id treatment in this model.
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