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The distribution of red cell enzyme and serum protein groups in a population of Dani (Pit River,West Irian)
Authors:R. L. Kirk  E. M. McDermid  N. M. Blake  R. L. Wight  E. H. Yap  M. J. Simons
Affiliation:(1) Department of Human Biology, The John Curtin School of Medical Research, Canberra;(2) Pit River Mission, West Irian;(3) WHO Immunology Research and Training Centre, University of Singapore, Singapore
Abstract:Summary Blood samples from a series of Dani speaking persons from Pit River, West Irian have been studied for genetic variants in 14 red cell enzyme and 5 serum protein systems. Four of the red cell enzyme systems were polymorphic: acid phosphatase, 6 phosphogluconate dehydrogenase, adenosine deaminase and phosphoglucomutase (locus 1). Two of the serum protein systems, haptoglobin and transferrin, were polymorphic. In the other systems three MDH ldquoNew Guinea-1rdquo variants were detected and two persons with variants, one MS and one SS, in the protease inhibitor system were detected also. An unusual variant in the PGM (locus 2) system has not yet been adequately identified. All other systems were monomorphic.
Zusammenfassung Blutproben einer Anzahl Dani-sprechender Personen des Pit River-Gebietes in West-Irian wurden auf genetische Varianten in 14 Erythrocytenenzym- und 5 Serumprotein-Systemen untersucht. 4 der Erythrocytenenzym-Systeme waren polymorph: Saure Phosphatase, 6PGD, Adenosindeaminase und Phospho-glucomutase1. Zwei der Serum-protein-Systeme, Haptoglobin und Transferrin, waren polymorph. In den anderen Systemen wurden 3 MDH ldquoNew Guinea-1rdquo-Varianten gefunden, ebenso wie 2 Personen mit Varianten, 1 MS und 1 SS, im Pi-System. Eine ungewöhnliche Variante im PGM2-System ist noch nicht ausreichend bestimmt worden. Alle anderen Systeme waren monomorph.
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