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Mating success in lekking males: a meta-analysis
Authors:Fiske, Peder   Rintamaki, Pekka T.   Karvonen, Eevi
Affiliation:Department of Zoology, Uppsala University Villavägen 9, S-752 36 Uppsala, Sweden
Abstract:Traits that are correlated with mating success are likely tobe subject to sexual selection. In lekking species, a male'smating success can be estimated as the number of females thathe copulates with. Earlier reviews of sexual selection in lekkingspecies have been inconclusive, suggesting that different traitsmay be important in different species. To obtain a more completeunderstanding of the outcome of sexual selection in this matingsystem, we performed a meta-analysis in which we combined theresults from different studies across a wide variety of taxa.Our aim was to synthesize available information about correlatesof male mating success in lekking species. We found that behavioraltraits such as male display activit aggression rate, and lekattendance were positively correlated with male mating success.Further, territory position was negatively correlated with malemating success, such that males with territories close to thegeometric center of the leks had higher mating success thanother males. The size of "extravagant" traits, such as birdstails and ungulate antlers, and age were positively correlatedwith male mating success. Male morphology (measure of body size)and territory size showed small effects on male mating success.Our results confirm some of the suggestions put forward by earlierreviews but add more rigor to the condusions drawn. Part ofthe variation across studies still remain unaccounted for. Furtherstudies are needed to perform proper meta-analyses that cantake factors like phylogeny and sexual dimorphism into account.
Keywords:lekking   mating success   meta-analysis   sexual selection.
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