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Shifts in drag and swimming potential during grayling ontogenesis: relations with habitat use
Authors:P. Sagnes,&Dagger  ,J-Y. Champagne,&dagger   R. Morel,&dagger  
Affiliation:UMR CNRS 5023, Ecologie des Hydrosystèmes Fluviaux, UniversitéLyon I, 43 bd du 11 Novembre 1918, 69622 Villeurbanne Cedex, France;Laboratoire de Mécanique des Fluides, INSA, 69621 Villeurbanne Cedex, France
Abstract:The drag coefficient (Cd) of grayling Thymallus thymallus was dependent on body surface conditions and rigidity. At comparable flow conditions, Cd values of a fish preserved in formalin (high body rigidity) were 15–30% lower than those obtained on a freshly-killed fish (medium rigidity); the presence of skin mucus on fish could reduce Cd by 10%. The hydrodynamic potential of grayling increased during ontogenesis, because Cd values decreased (except for yolk sac larvae, which had a particular morphology) and the swimming capacities (in terms of relative muscular mass) increased. Grayling morphology evolves towards hydrodynamically efficient shape at high velocities, and there is a relationship between these shifts in hydrodynamic abilities and the different habitats (in terms of current velocity) used by five morphological groups. Therefore, the concept of hydrodynamic potential (i.e. hydrodynamics of shape and swimming capacities) could be a useful tool in fish ecomorphology and predictions of habitat use.
Keywords:fish hydrodynamics    habitat shifts    adaptation    flow physics    fish larvae    ecomorphology
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