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Sinking rates of heterogeneous, temperate phytoplankton populations
Authors:Bienfang   Paul K.
Affiliation:The Oceanic Institute Waimanalo, Hawaii 96795
Abstract:Throughout the summer of 1978, the sinking rates of phytoplanktonwithin the Controlled Experimental Ecosystems (CEE's) were monitoredusing a technique based upon measurement of the transit timeof radioactively (14C) labeled cells. The experimental frameworkof FOODWEB 1 offered an unprecedented opportunity to documentthe sinking rates of heterogeneous phytoplankton of diversetaxonomic composition, growing under a variety of nutrient regimes;the absence of advective exchange in the CEE's provided knowledgeof the preconditioning history of the phytoplankton sampledat any given time. Sinking rates of whole phytoplankton assemblages (not size-fractioned)ranged from 0.32 – 1.69 m·day–1; the averagerate (± s.d.) observed was 0.64 ± 0.31 m·day–1.The most notable deviations from the mean value occurred whenthe population size distribution and taxonomic composition shifteddue to blooms. The relationship between phytoplankton sinkingand ambient nutrient levels was studied by following the ratesof a given size fraction (8–53 µm) for ten daysfollowing nutrient enrichment of a CEE. Over this time sinkingrates ranged from 1.08– 1.53 m·day–1; decreasedrates occurred after nutrification, yet over the course of theentire trial sinking rates were not significantly (p >0.05)correlated to the ambient levels of any single nutrient species. The sinking rate implications of spore formation were also studied,and showed that sinking rates of Chaetoceros constrictus andC. socialis spores (2.75 ± 0.61 m·day–1)were ca 5-fold greater than rates measured when the vegetativestages of these species dominated the population, reflectingthe influence of physiological mechanisms in controlling phytoplanktonbuoyancy. An example of the potential influence of colony formation uponbuoyancy was noted in observations of C. socialis which occasionallywas found to exist in large spherical configurations made ofcoiled cell chains and having low (≤0.40 m·day–1)sinking rates. A hydrodynamic rationale is presented to showhow such a colony together with enveloped water may behave asa unit particle having lower excess density, and therefore lowobserved sinking rate, despite its conspicuously large size. Overall, sinking rates were not significantly correlated withany of the measured nutrient or photic parameters. There were,however, trials and comparisons which showed evidence for: (1)higher sinking rates in populations dominated by large cells,(2) decreased sinking rates after nutrient enrichment, and (3)buoyancy response to light levels. It is suggested that correlationof sinking rates with synoptic environmental measurements atany given time is not explicit because the associations mayinvoke lag times of physiological response. The interpretationmade from these findings is that the preconditioning historyof the population, rather than the prevailing conditions atthe time of a given measurement, is most closely associatedwith population buoyancy modifications.
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