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Alteration of tobacco floral organ identity by expression of combinations of Antirrhinum MADS-box genes
Authors:Brendan Davies  Alexandra Di  Rosa  Tinka Eneva  Heinz Saedler   Hans Sommer
Affiliation:Molekulare Pflanzengenetik, Max-Planck-Institut für Züchtungsforschung, 50829 Köln, Germany
Abstract:Floral organ identity is largely controlled by the spatially restricted expression of several MADS-box genes. In Antirrhinum majus these organ identity genes include DEF, GLO and PLE . Single and double mutant analyses indicated that the type of organ found in a particular whorl is dependent on which combination of these genes is expressed there. This paper reports the ectopic expression of Antirrhinum organ identity genes, alone and in combinations, in transgenic tobacco. Although the phenotypes are broadly in agreement with the genetic predictions, several unexpected features are observed which provide information concerning the action of the organ identity genes. The presumed tobacco homologue of DEF, NTDEF , has been isolated and used to investigate the influence of ectopic expression of the Antirrhinum organ identity genes on the endogenous tobacco genes. Analysis of the spatial and temporal expression patterns of NTDEF and NTGLO reveals that the boundaries are not coincident and that differences exist in the regulatory mechanisms of the two genes concerning both induction and maintenance of gene expression. Evidence is provided which indicates that organ development is sensitive to the relative levels of organ identity gene expression. Expression of the organ identity genes outside the flower or inflorescence produced no effects, suggesting that additional factors are required to mediate their activity. These results demonstrate that heterologous genes can be used to predictably influence floral organ identity but also reveal the existence of unsuspected control mechanisms.
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