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引用本文:杨湘云,蔡杰,张挺,杜燕. 野生植物种质资源的保存利用与iFlora[J]. 植物分类与资源学报, 2012, 34(6): 539-545. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1143.2012.12149
作者姓名:杨湘云  蔡杰  张挺  杜燕
作者单位:中国科学院昆明植物研究所中国西南野生生物种质资源库,云南 昆明650201
摘    要:对植物种质资源的保护和可持续利用是人类生存和发展的根基。虽然植物种质资源的收集和保存工作在全球范围内已经取得了阶段性的进展,但植物物种本身复杂的生物学特性、相关信息的不完整性以及收集保存利用过程中专业人才的缺乏,在一定程度上制约了野生植物种质资源的保存和利用。本文以中国野生植物多样性的保护现状为例,探讨了野生植物种质资源收集保存过程中面临的问题,以及iFlora计划的提出和实施对解决这些问题提供的可能解决方案。通过iFlora的实施,将极大地促进和推动我国乃至全球范围内的野生植物多样性保护和利用。作为iFlora的重要元素之一,植物DNA条形码的运用已经逐渐成熟,本文介绍了其在苔藓植物剪叶苔属,以及种子植物榕属、马先蒿属、蒟蒻薯属、红豆杉属和栝楼属中的应用。

关 键 词:植物多样性  植物种质资源  保存和利用  DNA条形码  iFlora

The Potential Contribution of Plant DNA Barcoding and iFlora to Plant Germplasm Conservation
YANG Xiang-Yun,CAI Jie,ZHANG Ting,DU Yan. The Potential Contribution of Plant DNA Barcoding and iFlora to Plant Germplasm Conservation[J]. Plant Diversity and Resources, 2012, 34(6): 539-545. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1143.2012.12149
Authors:YANG Xiang-Yun  CAI Jie  ZHANG Ting  DU Yan
Affiliation:Germplasm Bank of Wild Species in Southwest China, Kunming Institute of Botany,
Chinese Academy of Sciences, Kunming 650201, China
Abstract:Plant diversity is the key element of ecosystem, and plays an important role in our daily life and socio economic prosperity. Preservation and utilization of plant diversity is the cornerstone of human welfare and civilization, and an essential strategy to address global climate change. Although the plant conservation activities have been achieved significantly in the past decades world wide, there are gaps existent that may minimize the effort to fulfill the Global Strategy for Plant Conservation (2011-2020), e.g., the complexity of species origin and evolution, the lack of sufficient species information, and the shrunken taxonomy expertise. We account for the plant conservation achievement in China and point part of constrains for the success of China’s strategy for plant conservation, which could be removed with the conceiving and implementation of the next generation Flora, or iFlora project. DNA barcoding is an important element of iFlora. We brief the application of plant DNA barcoding to accurately identify species in the bryophyte genus Herbertus and in a number of genera of seed plants, such as Ficus, Pedicularis, Tacca, Taxus and Trichoshanthes.
Keywords:Plant diversity  Plant germplasm  Conservation and utilization  DNA barcoding  iFlora
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